200 patients in Madgascar and Honduras provided with new smiles

Patient and guardian in Madagascar (Photo credit: Operation Smile)

This spring, Operation Smile UAE, with support from Mubadala, funded international surgical programs in Madagascar and Honduras, providing free corrective surgery to 200 patients for their cleft conditions. 

In April, five Operation Smile UAE medical volunteers including, Philipp an anaesthesiologist, Jihad, Ella, Amal and Francesca, all nurses, along with OSUAE Executive Director, Morag, traveled to Antsirabe, Madagascar.

The team from the Emirates also included non-medical volunteers from Mubadala who helped with the registration process.

The 10 day program, organized by Operation Smile in Madagascar, included surgeries and comprehensive care sessions. Patients’ families received education on healthy eating and how to safely bathe their babies. 

Medical volunteers from 11 countries, were able to screen 200 patients and provided 117 patients with free and safe surgery for their cleft condition. 

A patient in Madagascar with their OSUAE teddy bear.(Photo credit: Operation Smile)

OSUAE provided an adorable, branded teddy bear for each patient who received surgery. The bears, donated by an OSUAE supporter, were given to patients to help comfort them on their journey to their new smile.

In May, Mubadala also supported a surgical program in Honduras. 

Executive Director, Morag, accompanied non-medical volunteers from Mubadala who traveled to help during the surgical program in San Pedro Sula.

Patients wait to be screened at the surgical program in Honduras. (Photo credit: Operation Smile)

During the week long program, 127 patients were screened for their cleft conditions and 80 received surgery. 

All 80 patients also received one of our adorable OSUAE teddy bears. 

Operation Smile Honduras, in addition to providing surgery and comprehensive care to patients born with cleft conditions, also provided dental care for residents of two local orphanages. 

An orphanage visited by the UAE team in Honduras. (Photo credit: Operation Smile)

While in San Pedro Sula, Morag and the volunteer team from Mubadala, took time to visit the orphanages, and donated much needed items including school supplies and food to the children.

Thank you to Mubadala, our OSUAE medical volunteers, and members of the UAE community, for providing the funds and support for these programs. 

Because of your generosity Operation Smile were able to provide care to hundreds of patients with cleft conditions.

‘An indescribable imprint on my heart’

Ghaith, a volunteer cleft surgeon with OSUAE,

describes his experience at the June mission in Ghana

OSUAE volunteer cleft surgeon, Ghaith (centre) with patients during the surgical mission in Ghana (Credit: Operation Smile UAE)

In June, I embarked on a life-changing mission with Operation Smile to Koforidua, Ghana. This journey took me to a place where hope and transformation thrived, where lives were forever altered. Among the many incredible stories I encountered, there was one that touched my heart deeply, leaving an indelible mark on my soul. It is the story of a 25-year-old woman who had lived her entire life with a complete cleft lip, yet managed to find love, start a family, and finally, receive the gift of a transformed life.

The Arrival in Koforidua:

As our team arrived to Koforidua, the air was filled with anticipation and excitement. We were greeted warmly by the local community, who had longed for the arrival of Operation Smile’s medical volunteers. The mission aimed to provide life-changing surgeries to individuals born with cleft lips and palates, granting them the chance to smile with confidence and live without the burden of their condition.

The 25 year old patient Dr. Ghaith operated on.

Meeting the 25-Year-Old Woman:

Among the patients we encountered, one woman’s story stood out from the rest. She was a 25-year-old lady, who had lived her entire life with a complete cleft lip. Despite the challenges she faced, she had managed to build a life filled with love, hope, and resilience. She had gotten married and recently given birth to a beautiful baby girl.

The Transformation:

As a member of the surgical team, I had the privilege of operating on her to repair her cleft lip. The surgery was a success, and the following day, as I walked into the ward, I was greeted by a sight that brought tears of joy to my eyes. There, holding her baby girl, was she, looking like a completely different person.

The Joyful Encounter:

For a moment, I was taken aback, as I mistook the baby for the patient. It was only when I remembered that I had operated on the mother that the realization of her transformation hit me. Her radiant smile and the newfound confidence in her eyes were tangible evidence of the profound impact that the surgery had made on her life.

A Life Transformed:

Witnessing her caring for her little girl was a testament to the life-altering change that Operation Smile had brought to her. No longer burdened by her cleft lip, she now had the opportunity to embrace motherhood with renewed self-assurance and optimism. Her transformation reached far beyond physical appearance, extending into every aspect of her life.


My experience with Operation Smile in Koforidua, Ghana, left an indescribable imprint on my heart. Through witnessing that lady’s transformation, I realized the immense power of a simple surgery to bring hope, joy, and a brighter future to individuals who had endured a lifetime of challenges. As I continue on my journey as a medical professional, I carry the memories of that lady and countless others like her, inspiring me to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Operation Smile’s mission in Ghana exemplified the true essence of compassion, unity, and the transformative power of a smile.

Healthpoint & Operation Smile UAE

Dr. Phillip with a patient at Healthpoint

One experience for a certain volunteer, sparked the beginning of a new relationship between Operation Smile and Healthpoint.

After volunteering as an anesthesiologist at a mission in another hospital, Dr. Philipp knew he wanted to involve his own hospital- Healthpoint, a Mubadala Health Partner- with Operation Smile.

“After my approval and a successful mission at CCAD, I asked our medical management if they would be interested in providing the medical facilities for an Operation Smile mission.”

Volunteering had been a part of Dr. Philipp’s life for as long as he can remember, working as a paramedic on multiple occasions in Cologne, Germany. He also volunteered as a firefighter for 8 years in Germany.

“I experience the work as a volunteer as very satisfying. It reminds me that I chose this path of profession not for financial but humanitarian reasons. It gives me meaning to help others in need.”

Dr. Philipp’s enthusiasm and passion opened a gateway for a collaboration for Operation Smile with Healthpoint.

“After participating on an Operation Smile mission in another hospital, Phillip was inspired to advocate for other patients who required surgery and put forward a suggestion to the management of Healthpoint to partner with Operation Smile UAE.”, stated Morag, the Executive Director for Operation Smile UAE.

After gaining the initial approval, the two organizations set up for a small mission in December 2020, where 5 patients received surgery. Dr. Philipp fondly remembers a patient from this first Healthpoint mission. “There was a little girl who was 15 months old. She needed an MRI to assess her nasal polyp’s origin. It derived from the nose and not the brain and she became a suitable candidate for our hospital. I grew fond of her and was very relieved when it was decided that she could be operated on in this mission at Healthpoint.”

The success of the December 2020 mission led towards a second mission in June 2021. This mission was on a larger scale and Operation Smile was able to provide 9 surgeries. Following all the COVID-19 health and safety protocols, we were able to conduct this mission seamlessly with the support we received from Healthpoint.

Our medical and student volunteers left the busy 3 days with their hearts full. Looking back on his three medical missions, “According to my experience, the most memorable moments of the missions are when the parents see their children after the surgeries. The immediate results after a cleft lip surgery are amazing and it’s a very emotional moment for the staff and parents,” says Dr. Philipp.

This medical mission also conducted a six month follow-up with some patients who had received surgery in December 2020. “ Three of the babies returned and looked amazingly happy and healthy. The babies were walking and one little girl looked so different having had the large polyp removed and her cleft lip repaired. All of the parents were overjoyed,” recalls Morag with a big smile on her face.

The collaboration welcomed and complemented each organization’s goals and visions, with Operation Smile aiming to provide everyone with safe surgery through Healthpoint’s quality care and state of the art facilities.

Whilst working together Dr. Philipp observed both teams working together and supporting each other through each day of the mission. “What I appreciate very much is the harmonic working atmosphere during Operation Smile missions. It is founded on mutual trust and respect between all participating volunteers and medical fields.”, said Dr. Philipp.

The overall excitement and devotion in being able to help a patient after the recent June 2021 mission was visible amongst both the Operation Smile and Healthpoint teams.

“The entire team was very enthusiastic about the mission and it dominated the conversation everywhere for days. In the Operating Theatre, the question I was asked the most by our staff was, ‘when are we going to do the next mission!’”, remembered Dr. Philipp.

The mutual interests and goals for both Healthpoint and Operation Smile in bringing top quality care to their patients presents hope for future collaborations during missions, inspiring more and more volunteers to join the cause along the way.

A patient has their temperature taken before surgery

Dr. Eeva’s Story

May 18, 2019 – Dr. Eeva-Liisa examines a patient during the Operation Smile UAE
© Operation Smile UAE / Brian Kerrigan

Our promise of improving health and dignity during the COVID-19 pandemic endures. We’re helping front-line health workers stay safe, nourished and empowered to better serve their patients by providing life-saving supplies and equipment, as well as remote training to bolster their response. We’re also providing nutritional assistance, hygiene kits and virtual health services to support people and their health needs so they can thrive. If you can, when you can, help us keep our promise to care for children and create hope for tomorrow.

It was the last day of the July 2021 medical mission in the UAE. Some of the medical volunteers, students, and coordinators had gathered in the staff room after a tiring but rewarding day. Someone suggested playing a game of I-spy-with-my-little-eye. The most enthusiastic player was, of course, Dr. Eeva.

Dr. Eeva-Liisa, more popularly known as simply Dr. Eeva, joined Operation Smile UAE’s medical team in 2012. Since then, she has been contributing to the organisation with her arsenal of experience and her never-ending, lighthearted jokes.

Working as a pediatrician and neonatologist, Dr. Eeva is one of the most indispensable members of the medical team during missions. Prior to the medical mission, she makes sure that patients are fit to undergo surgery. This includes making sure the babies are growing healthily, have had all their vaccinations, and are free from infection.

But Dr. Eeva’s role does not end there.

“My personal interest in pediatrics is young children’s feeding problems, [which includes] breastfeeding and how to transition from breastfeeding to normal eating. Babies with cleft palate and cleft lip quite often have feeding problems. So I’m always looking out for babies, making sure that they learn [how to feed] and that their parents understand how important proper nutrition is at the proper age,” Dr. Eeva explained.

From volunteering in Pakistan during flood relief to organising 3 multidisciplinary teaching trips to Sri Lanka, Dr. Eeva has always been driven towards serving people. It was the same passion that drew her to Operation Smile.

“I love talking to the parents, explaining to them what is happening and what is to be expected. Every moment you spend with the parents is precious because you have a chance to make their lives better,” said Dr. Eeva with a smile in her voice.

June 20, 2019 — Abu Dhabi — Eeva-Liisa Langille with a patient. Image Courtesy © Operation Smile UAE / Brian Kerrigan

Currently working in the UAE as chief medical officer at a children’s rehabilitation centre, Dr. Eeva is a familiar face at Operation Smile UAE. She has attended all 6 of the UAE missions and an international mission in Manila, Philippines.

“Every mission, every time you do something, is special. Each mission has different aspects that are interesting,” Dr. Eeva shared.

Having worked with Operation Smile in the UAE for a long time, Dr. Eeva has many stories to share. She has seen people who have evolved with Operation Smile and people who have had to leave the Emirates to work elsewhere.

She dropped a few words of wisdom for medical professionals who intend to start volunteering.

“Be enthusiastic. Ask a lot of questions. And remember, whatever plans you have, they will never work,” she laughed and then continued, “You have to be flexible enough to follow other plans. We work with people and people work differently.”

Help us to continue keeping our promise amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Your support today means we can help patients through these uncertain times and provide them with the care and surgery they deserve when it’s safe to resume our work.